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CAMDA 2012 Conference

CAMDA 2012 offers researchers from the computer sciences, statistics, molecular biology, and other fields a unique opportunity to benefit from a critical comparative evaluation of various approaches in the analysis of large-scale life-science datasets.

This year, CAMDA runs as an official Satellite Meeting of ISMB 2012 in Long Beach, California, 13/14 July 2012. The upcoming conference will focus on two challenge data sets: 1) the decoding of drug compatibility from an extremely large toxicology data set, and 2) the decoding of personal genomes.

Please see our Program Schedule for confirmed keynote speakers and a full agenda including accepted talks. Register now

We also accept poster submissions for the meeting! Abstracts are published in the conference proceedings.

Sign up to our low-volume CAMDA 2012 announcements mailing list!

.txt ยท Last modified: 2012/06/25 15:57 by dschroeder