Mutational Characterization of Cutaneous Melanoma Supports Divergent Pathways Model for Melanoma Development.

TitleMutational Characterization of Cutaneous Melanoma Supports Divergent Pathways Model for Melanoma Development.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsMillán-Esteban, D, Peña-Chilet, M, García-Casado, Z, Manrique-Silva, E, Requena, C, Bañuls, J, Lopez-Guerrero, JAntonio, Rodríguez-Hernández, A, Traves, V, Dopazo, J, Virós, A, Kumar, R, Nagore, E
JournalCancers (Basel)
Date Published2021 Oct 18

According to the divergent pathway model, cutaneous melanoma comprises a nevogenic group with a propensity to melanocyte proliferation and another one associated with cumulative solar damage (CSD). While characterized clinically and epidemiologically, the differences in the molecular profiles between the groups have remained primarily uninvestigated. This study has used a custom gene panel and bioinformatics tools to investigate the potential molecular differences in a thoroughly characterized cohort of 119 melanoma patients belonging to nevogenic and CSD groups. We found that the nevogenic melanomas had a restricted set of mutations, with the prominently mutated gene being . The CSD melanomas, in contrast, showed mutations in a diverse group of genes that included , , , and . We thus provide evidence that nevogenic and CSD melanomas constitute different biological entities and highlight the need to explore new targeted therapies.

Alternate JournalCancers (Basel)
PubMed ID34680367
PubMed Central IDPMC8533762
Grant ListPI15/01860; PI19/00667 / / Instituto de Salud Carlos III /
PPRC-2018-36 / / EADV /
Ayuda predoctoral en Oncología / / Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer /